Outrage and optimism: My thoughts on women’s safety in an unsafe world

19 Mar 2021
By Gioia D M., Student at University of Glasgow

In the wake of the tragic disappearance and death of Sarah Everard, women across the world are opening up about their experiences of feeling unsafe in public. Here, student writer Gioia puts her thoughts down on paper.

The stories I’ve read from women on social media recently are harrowing. But sadly, they haven’t left me feeling shocked or confused. We all know this narrative. This narrative has been played and replayed over and over, probably since the beginning of time.

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Currently studying English Literature and Theatre Studies at the University of Glasgow! A little Italian making her way through the world, lover of all food and dead scared of pigeons! I lived in England for the past five years, but I’m also a massive fan of Scotland - and a little obsessed with Mary Queen of Scots…