Why I’m no longer interested in Black Friday deals

25 Nov 2021
By Hazel M., Freelance writer and journalist at Unite Students

Budget is everything when you’re a student, so getting sucked into sales isn’t all that surprising; but should we be supporting such huge commercial events like Black Friday? Here, Hazel reveals why she’s sitting this one out.

Let me paint you a picture; queues of people waiting in line outside giant department stores (usually from the early hours of the morning, or even the night before), faces tense and feet ready to run.

Then, a staff member quietly appears. The doors open and pandemonium ensues. Normal, civilised people turn into desperate animals, clawing for last season’s reduced material ‘must-have’, and a fist fight over one flat-screen TV isn’t far off the cards.

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When not stringing words together, can usually be found on the local beach with her cocker spaniel pup, Huey.