The Black Services Directory: The secret ingredient to a successful university experience

14 September 2023By Amelia. A, Staff writer at Unite Students
Woman sitting at computer

In 2021, Unite Students commissioned the Living Black at University report, which explored the experiences of Black students across university accommodation.

A journey to feeling valued

In 2021, Unite Students commissioned the Living Black at University report research, exploring the experiences of Black students across university accommodation. One of the key findings from this researched showed that “Black students are less likely than white students to be able to access culturally relevant services close to their accommodation”.

A necessary ingredient to the recipe for success at University is belonging, and without sense of belonging, it can be extremely difficult to have a positive experience.

As a recent graduate, I know first-hand that the journey of trying to navigate University, independence and meeting new people can be extremely challenging. Especially when your new home does not feel like home. A necessary ingredient to the recipe for success at University is belonging, and without sense of belonging, it can be extremely difficult to have a positive experience.

Therefore, the 2023 cohort of Black interns, part of the 10,000 Interns Foundation at Unite Students, have worked hard to bring you a Black Services Directory. This is a service page provided for Black students by Black students. Researched by the interns, the Directory is a bundle of all the local Black services, from restaurants, haircare, mental health and many more!

Our skin colour should not be a barrier to our dreams

My main reason for choosing the University I attended, was because I knew that there would be Black people and Black services around the corner. The thought of moving to a new city and not being able to eat plantain, or get my braids done gave me a splitting headache. This shouldn’t be the case for Black students in the UK; missing out on their desired university options due to a lack of resources to help us find services that make us feel at home.

As a Black University student, a term we hear a lot is imposter syndrome (after Black excellence of course!) Not being able to feel at home is a big factor in feeling like an imposter. There is also the constant reminder that we must make all life choices based on the colour of our skin. The intention behind the Black Services Directory is to help Black students feel like they belong, with the message that ‘we are all welcome’.

Your wellbeing as a Black student is important just like every other student, and the colour of our skin shouldn’t limit the choices we have. The Directory aims to create positive experiences for Black students across the UK; the motto for University (and always) will be ’to live unapologetically Black and proud‘.

University can be amazing and transformative. With the right support and resources, tailored to students based on their needs and diversity, we can really excel. Having a positive experience at university can honestly start from having the reassurance that our basic comfort needs are seen, valued and respected.

Author photo of Amelia Adams
By Amelia. AStaff writer at Unite Students