14 Apps and websites that get me through revision and exams
1 December 2021By Joy K., Student writer at Unite Students
Exams are looming and deadlines are fast approaching. And, as much as I don’t want to, I know I must drag myself to the library and do some revision.
Books are fine but they’re sometimes hard to get my hands on, or I want to quote the very latest research. Pens and paper are alright, but sometimes I want something more interactive.
So here are my top technology resources for the exam period.
I am as easily distracted as the next person and, like a lot of people, I am probably a bit addicted to social media. Sometimes the draw of Instagram and Twitter is too much, so I use an app called Cold Turkey which blocks any social media apps and helps me stay on track.
Google Calendar is another good resource for planning and organising my revision and work schedule. I’ve got it synced to my smartphone so I always have my itinerary on me.
I also use the Sticky Notes app for any reminders I need throughout the day or week.
Google Drive is another good resource as it saves every word in the cloud and can be accessed from any computer, so I’ve always got a backup of my work if my computer gets lost or stolen.
Quizlet is a great website for flashcards and quizzes on a wide range of topics, and it is great for refreshing my brain on any facts and dates.
If I’m writing essays or reports, then
is a great site that helps me to reference a resource. I can either search for the source or fill in the boxes, select the type of referencing I want, and then the site quickly does all the hard work for me.
Grammarly is my go-to tool for spellchecking and grammar.
Mind Maps are a great revision method for me, and Coggle is a brilliant place to make and store all my mind maps. I’ve got this synced with Google Drive too.
OverDrive and CampusBooks are good resources for finding textbooks, and they save me from having to worry about hand-in dates at the library.
StuDocu is another great crowd-sourced resource for studying. It contains study guides, past papers, and lecture notes, which is great for helping with exam preparation.
When I’m doing group work, Trello is a fab way to work collaboratively on projects with lots of other people.
After all that revision, I need a break. Netflix has plenty of the light-hearted shows I use to combat the stress of revision. Brooklyn Nine Nine is always a good shout!
But when my eyes are strained after staring at a screen all day, I’d rather read a book. Or should I say, listen to a book. So I use Audible to lose myself in a good story after a long day.
Good luck with all your exams and coursework!