Freshers’ flu: Here’s how you can battle the bug
6 September 2018By Emily T-J., Student writer at Unite Students
Freshers’ flu: Here’s how you can battle the bug
Freshers’ flu. The two words all students don’t want to hear. You’re almost guaranteed to get it in some form or another within the first few weeks of the semester. Like many others, I didn’t believe freshers’ flu was a real thing until it hit me with a vengeance.
I caught the dreaded bug within the first few days of freshers’ week. My nose was stuffy, my throat felt like it’d never taken a sip of water and my body ached like I’d just completed a triathlon. Freshers’ flu is like a cold on steroids. Some people are lucky and only have to put up with it for a few days, while others (like myself) have to suffer for weeks.
When you start uni you’re mixing with a lot of new people, which means a a lot of new germs. Different people carry different bacteria and typically, the people they interact with become immune to those bacteria. At university, no one is immune as everyone is meeting for the first time.
While the illness tends to hit a lot of students in the first few months of the academic year, there are some who manage to dodge it. It might seem impossible to avoid the dreaded flu, but with care, attention and these tips you can battle the dreaded bug.
Symptoms of freshers’ flu:
Freshers’ flu isn’t the best welcome to university, but know that you’re not alone. It's likely that most of the people around you are suffering too. It will soon pass, and you'll have the rest of the year to enjoy yourself. Here are some common symptoms of freshers' flu.
A runny or a blocked nose, as well as a cough or sore throat.
Headaches - is that the beginning of freshers’ flu or the beginnings of a hangover?
Nausea – see above.
High temperature – the main difference between the flu and a hangover is a fever.
Fatigue – you’re going to want to crawl into bed and never leave again.
For more detailed advice on how you can identify or treat flu, check out the NHS website. If you’re concerned that you’re not getting better, or your symptoms are extreme, consult your local GP.
How to (try to) avoid freshers’ flu:
Stock up on vitamins and medication
Make sure your body is getting all the vitamins it needs to remain healthy. The best way to do this is to include lots of fruit and veg into your diet. You should also make sure you're well stocked up on ibuprofen, paracetamol and cold and flu tablets like Lemsip and Sudafed, just in case you do end up getting ill.
Nothing feels worse than dragging yourself to the shop when you’re feeling groggy. If you’re living with other people, why not suggest chipping in for a communal box of cold and flu remedies? Freshers’ flu is more likely to spread in shared accommodation, so try to look out for each other.
Stay hydrated and rest
With the hustle and bustle of the first few weeks of uni, it’s easy to see your fluid intake drop. Remember to drink lots of water (or herbal tea) and you’ll keep your body operating as it should, whilst also flushing out your system. As tempting as it is, try not to go out partying if you’re suffering from ‘flu’ like symptoms. Drinking alcohol dehydrates you and makes battling illness even harder.
During freshers' week it's not a bad idea to take a few days off to recuperate. Why not have a movie night with your new flatmates, consider going to bed early and try to catch those magic eight hours of sleep per night. If you’re not taking care of yourself and are run down, then you’re more likely to catch an illness.
Wash your hands
You’re probably thinking, ‘I do!’ But are you doing it properly? When washing your hands you should be doing it for a minimum of 20 seconds, making sure to pay attention to your fingernails, between all of your fingers, the backs of your hands and above the wrist. Always use soap as water alone won’t kill germs. Washing your hands efficiently doesn’t just help you, it helps other people avoid illness too.
Register with a GP
As soon as you get to uni, ask your tutor or mentor where and how you can register with a GP. It's a good idea to do this as a priority and not wait until you do get ill. If you’ve had a cold for three weeks and you’re not getting better, or your symptoms are getting worse, it's really important to book an appointment.
Prescriptions are free if you’re in full-time education and you’re under 19. However if you need to pay there are certain forms your pharmacy can give you to help with the costs. Find out how to register with a GP at the NHS Choices website.
Get the meningitis vaccine before you come to uni
Teenagers and fresher students are now entitled to get the MenACWY vaccine. According to the NHS website, students are far more likely to be affected by this strain of meningitis due to mixing with so many new people.
If you haven’t already had the vaccine, contact your GP now to get vaccinated before you move to uni. It’s free and potentially life-saving. Find out more about the MenACWY vaccine on the NHS website.